People…we are more than half way there. How is this possible? Pregnancy has been such an exciting, fascinating, adventure-filled journey so far, but now that I am 24 weeks pregnant I need to maybeeee start thinking about what comes after pregnancy. I have done absolutely nothing to prepare still, except take these fruit pictures, start a nursery Pinterest board, fall in love with maternity leggings (as if leggings could get any better!) and flip through a baby book 3 or 4 times. Okay, only twice.
I also completely missed my 21 week check-up two weeks ago and almost forgot about my rescheduled appointment tomorrow morning (I actually thought to add it to my calendar this time, and just got the notification. Lord help this child.)
Anyways – let’s talk produce.
20 Weeks: Baby is size of a BANANA!
With the election this week and the baby measuring 6 1/2 inches, safe to say this shiz is bananas. B-a-n-a-n-a-s.
How I am feeling: Physically, still really great! Energy levels have been pretty normal, with the exception of rain and the change in clocks throwing me off just a bit in the beginning of the week. Emotionally, I, like most, am pretty shaken up with the election results, feeling disgusted that Baby Izzo will come into the world where there is a President Trump. Ugh, it is even difficult to write that out. My hope is that we will show him/her how to fight for change, stand up for what you believe in and moreover, and just spread, give, talk, show and create love in this resilient country he/she is more than blessed to be born into.
Maybe it is my Facebook feed distracting me, but I’m still feeling anxious that I haven’t done too much yet to prepare for the baby’s arrival in a few short months. On the other hand, my future sister-in-law Hilary is visiting this weekend and I have prepared a bunch of crafts and recipes for us to make. Happy mama, happy baby?
What I’m Eating: A lot of cereal, since that has always been my comfort food PLUS I am now waking up with such a wild hunger you’d think I hadn’t eaten for days. Maybe weeks. I’ve also been known to get out of bed at night, creep into the kitchen and chow down on a mugful of cereal in the dark. I confirmed this morning as I threw out the recycle – I have gone through two family-size boxes of Multigrain Cheerios by myself in one week. It’s actually a bit disturbing.
When I am not snacking on cereal, you’ll find me dunking entire packs of graham crackers into the peanut butter jar and then into mason jars full of almond milk. Probably in the dark, again before 7 a.m. and after 11 p.m. No time for utensils.
Not eating: Salads and anything non-carbo-loaded are on my “nope, not today” list this week. Just give me more cereal.
Best thing I ate all week: Surprisingly, not cereal! Actually the very best thing I ate were autumn enchiladas from Bouldin Creek Cafe. The all-vegetarian restaurant has been one of our absolute favorites in Austin since the week we moved here, and the last time these were on the menu I had a head cold so bad that I could barely smell these, let alone taste them.
Favorite memory: Two MAJOR memories from this week:
- Hanging out with Hilary all weekend! It was so awesome to see her, have her meet my bump and craft up all the things you can imagine. We made chalkboard log signs, practiced our calligraphy, made beeswax candles, pumpkin cookies and minestrone soup. We also hiked around Austin, watched movies and found ourselves lost in the middle of a city-wide garage sale. It was a pretty perfect weekend. :)
- Going to our big 20-week appointment anddddd FINDING OUT THE GENDER! I had been counting down the weeks until this big appointment, as it was the one where they measure all the baby things and make sure that he/she is growing into a healthy little babe. Since we decided to forgo the genetic testing offered in the early stages of pregnancy, I was very anxious for this appointment and to make sure that everything was okay. Thankfully, everything looked wonderful! While Matt and I could barely understand what we were looking at the entire time on the ultrasound, everything measured on target – the nurse, bless her heart, went through all of the areas with us, whether we could really make them out or not on a black and white screen – the baby’s heart, his/her lungs, spine, growing arteries, etc. I still cannot believe that my body is capable of creating a life.
After all of the important checks, the last thing the nurse did was take a look at the gender of the baby. We told her that we didn’t want to know right then and there, and instead asked if she could write it down and seal it in an envelope for a later surprise. While we were going to wait to tell our families at Thanksgiving, Matt and I agreed that there was NO WAY the two of us could wait three whole weeks without peeking in that envelope. Or, at least I couldn’t. :)
More to come on when we opened the envelope (spoiler…it was within 20 minutes after leaving the appointment) and what gender Baby Izzo is!
21 weeks: Baby is as long as a CARROT!
How I am feeling: Well, this week it has officially turned into “what” I am feeling – BABY KICKS! For the past two weeks, everyone had been asking me if I have felt the baby move yet. I kinda thought I had, like little flutters or pops here and there…but then again, it could have just been gas. :) I was waiting for this big moment, where I’d either feel a punch in the gut or my stomach flipping like I was on a rollercoaster, and I almost was paying attention to it so much that it seemed to never happen. Then, one morning I had an hour-long client presentation, and while I was taking notes on feedback I realized that my stomach had started doing flips! It was the craziest, weirdest, most incredible sensation – almost like I was being tickled from the inside. From that day on, it was like Baby Izzo started taking dance lessons in there – and let me tell you, this little one has some serious moves.
I couldn’t wait for Matt to feel the baby kick, and while it seemed for the first few days that the movement was sporadic, I noticed that he/she really started grooving when I laid down to go to bed or first thing in the morning (probably foreshadowing our future feeding schedule here). So the first night Matt came home from traveling, I had him put his hand on my belly when we laid down in bed, hoping the baby would move and sure enough – the baby gave a full blown kick right on Matt’s hand, as if he/she was saying “whattup, pops!”
Other than feeling the baby move, I am feeling a bit thrown off still by the time change and my inability to sleep in whatever position I want without second guessing if I am smushing this child.
How my body is changing: I don’t know why I am still including this as a section. No updates here – I am still expanding.
What I am wearing: Speaking of expanding, I purchased some maternity t-shirts at Target (seen in this week and last week’s photos) and am pretty in love with the whole side-rouching (sp?) thing. Which is hilarious because pre-pregnancy the side rouching thing seemed like my worst nightmare. I have a feeling I’ll go back to feeling that way post-pregnancy.
What I’m Eating: Still on the cereal train, but got back on track with eating real meals this week.
Best thing I ate all week: Had my first pregnant impulse grocery store buy: Campfire smores ice cream from Central Market. A man was sampling a few of the flavors, and while I am normally great at just trying all of the free stuff then being super slick about walking away and not buying anything I just tried – this time I directly asked him exactly what section and shelf in the freezer section this tub of heaven lived and bolted in that direction before he was finished answering me. I even saved my sample spoon and broke into the tub on the way home – half may have been gone before we turned out of the parking lot. IT IS BEYOND.
Favorite memory: The baby kicking Matt’s hand, AND making DIY gender reveal confetti poppers (aka turning our floor into a confetti beach and our bank account into a Michael’s credit card) while baby danced around in my belly! Maybe not the five trips to the store to make said poppers…but I am hoping to include a DIY post on that soon.
22 Weeks: Baby is size of a SPAGHETTI SQUASH!
How I am feeling: Baby is still moving like crazy! Also feeling a lot better mentally and physically as I have been able to work out outside a lot more. I loved being able to run and walk more this week in Florida with Matt and the family. With the time change last week and the sun setting at 5:30 p.m., it has been difficult to get out on the trail after work without being petrified I will trip bc I can’t see anything. Also super excited to finally reveal the baby’s gender to our family and friends on Thanksgiving!!
How my body is changing: Same old update here but this week, I swear to you my stomach doubled in size from the start of the week to the very end. Did I also mention I am now wearing a DD bra?! DOUBLE Ds, PEOPLE.
Seriously – when we arrived in Jacksonville, a lot of people mentioned that I barely looked pregnant enough for 22 weeks. But by the end of the week and the end of a Thanksgiving eating binge, everyone agreed (even with audible “whoas!”) that yes, I was a pregnant person. I mean…compare this week’s pictures to the following 23 week pictures and tell me I didn’t just earn a new pair of maternity leggings. (Good, because I already bought them on Black Friday.)
What I’m eating: Speaking of my growing stomach, I am still super hungry in the morning and at night. No crazy cravings besides pasta, which I craved intensely in the beginning weeks (we ordered pizza one night but I had to make pasta, too!) and chocolate, which I craved intensely my entire life. Yea, and cereal. And a few bags of Peanut M&Ms for good measure.
Best thing I ate all week: Thanksgiving dinner, duh! Well…that and pasta. :)
Favorite Memories: A lot of memories made this week for Baby Izzo:
- First trip to Disney…well, the free outskirts (aka Disney Springs) as mama and papa don’t have any moneys and you could still totally see the top of the Epcot ball from where we were staying.
- Seeing all of Matt’s family, meeting the newest member of the Izzo clan, baby Lucas!
- And of course…the big gender reveal at work and with family and friends near and far (thanks, FaceTime).
Also, Matt and I woke up in the middle of the night and were laughing bc the baby was moving like crazy – almost like he couldn’t get comfortable and so was switching positions every two minutes! We also watched my belly move for the first time – nothing major, but small little bumps , like I had the hiccups or something!
23 Weeks: Baby is size of an EGGPLANT!
(Photo by the lovely Alex Galley again! Matt gets out of photo duty way too much bc of his work travel…and the fact that Alex is just WAY too good. :) )
How I am feeling: Physically, been on a bit of a health rollercoaster this week. I woke up with a sore throat on Saturday morning, and hoped that it was just from being on vacation and around little kids. But of course, it turned into a head cold, and just when I thought I was feeling better on Wednesday night…the stomach bug hit. I haven’t been sick since the Minnuto Christmas Plague of 2014, and this time it was even worse as I was more concerned with how my sickness was affecting Baby Izzo.
After a very longgg night last night and a weird, achy, tired, foggy, gross day today, I am feeling a bit better as I type this. I haven’t been sick since 3 a.m., and have been able to drink water and eat crackers and soup without my stomach hurting too badly. I talked to my doctor earlier and she said that as long as I keep drinking fluids, don’t break out into a high fever or start vomiting, I should be on the mend and that the baby is fine. I have an appointment on Monday, and she didn’t feel that I needed to come in beforehand unless I take a turn for the worse.
Huge shout out to my incredible spirit animal Kristin for dropping off a Whole Foods bag filled with soup, Annie’s saltine crackers, Evolution juice and bread. You made a very crappy day, a weary belly and hungry baby much, much better. :)
On the emotional health side of things…it has also been a rollercoaster week. I have been getting anxious since 20 weeks about preparing for baby, reading baby books, taking classes, etc…all things I haven’t really been doing. So on Tuesday night, I decided to flip ahead in my pregnancy book to the “week after birth” section.
Needless to say…had a pretty rough night’s sleep. :) The next day, my very amazing and very experienced friend Lindsay talked me off the ledge and just explained that yes, it is exhausting. You are a zombie. But it gets better. And it is always worth it.
I’m going to focus on that for a bit before I dive deeper into the actual birth stuff, as I just don’t think I can mentally or physically handle that this week!
What I am eating: In happier times this week, I was eating my normal, healthy diet with a few handfuls of Reese Pieces thrown in there in between each meal for good measure. (We had a whole, bulk bag of them at my work. You couldn’t not eat them.) Right now, I am choking down saltines and black tea with honey. Super fun times.
Best thing I ate all week: After the three-hour drive from Jacksonville to Tampa last Saturday, Matt and I made a very enthusiastic decision to head straight to Maggiano’s for satisfy my constant craving for marinara sauce. They now give you a little side dish to go with your meal, and even though I was disgustingly full, I may have been tempted for round two before we went to bed…and as soon as we woke up the next morning.
Favorite memory: Before we left Jacksonville on Saturday, my sister-in-law Kim took me to Buy Buy Baby to officially start my registry. Matt and I tried to go the week prior, but since, you know…we have no freaking idea what we need, I figured going with Kim, who is a mom of three (including four-month old Lucas!) would be a much better idea. :) We had a great time scanning the crap out of everything, and while I was overwhelmed at first with all the things, by the end of our two-hour registry scanning session, I felt much more equipped to take on this baby world! (This was, of course, before I read that “after-birth” chapter in my book.)
And with that…I am officially caught up to where I really am in my pregnancy! Never thought this would happen. I’d say I will post weekly now, but we all know I won’t. I’ll probably be delayed due to all of the baby things I need to force myself to learn moving forward. There are only 17 weeks left! :: petrified emoji ::
I have been waiting patiently for this….love you 2 (3)….
So much fun reading your story ! This little one is so blessed with a beautiful person inside and out, to be able to call mom . Love you so much😍