{yesterday was apparently “national siblings day,” according to Facebook. we clean up nicely.}
Ahhh you guys! I totally was supposed to have another post up this week, in between my new “words for the week” and “friday five” but somehow, that didn’t happen. I have no excuse other than Dion, my favorite Zumba instructor, is back in town and I really, really needed to dance.
Matt and I are off to Raleigh this weekend for…wait for it… A MARATHON! I know, I know, we’re so spontaneous. I am actually on the cheer squad for this one, as I am running the Nashville marathon (along with Matt, my father-in-law and brother-in-law) at the end of April. I am also fulfilling my life role of being the “best road trip snack packer” and making granola bars and roasted chickpeas in between typing this.
Have a great weekend!
1) Because I totally look in a person’s fridge rather than their medicine cabinet, a peek inside the fridges of 11 NYC chefs. (via newyorktimes.com)
2) However, when it comes to sneaking in someone’s medicine cabinet, Bleubird’s new Vanity Project combines curiosity with watercolors. I’m in love. (via bluebirdblog.com)
3) The great Matt Frazier, aka the “No Meat Athlete,” reads my mind again with his “10 Things I Wish I Knew Before I Went Vegan.” Preach. (businessinsider.com)
4) On that note, I can’t wait to try Oh She Glow’s Green Warrior Protein Smoothie. I am plant-powered, hear me roar! (ohsheglows.com)
5) Zoe and Maddie take on Frozen’s “Let it Go.” And it is, hands-down, the greatest YouTube video I’ve ever watched in my life. (via youtube.com)
You 4 siblings are the loves of my life.So proud to call you my children! Give Matt a loud cheer for his marathon run this week-end! Love you bunches,Mom
Thanks Mom! I thought you’d love this picture. :) Love you!