Ever since I got my library card in March, I have been a little overzealous borrower. You know, like the type that walks into the library with one or two books in mind, then walks out an hour later with ten. And in the three short weeks that those ten books are on loan, only manage to get through the one or two that you originally went in for…and then completely forget about the due date and end up with an overdue fee that rivals a monthly LOFT statement? Yep. That sort of overzealous.
Therefore, I am trying to take it slow from now on. And what better time of year to set that pace than fall? I plan on spending many-a hours snuggled up on the couch with a big mug of pumpkin coffee, my obnoxious Bills “Happy Feet” slippers and all of these books throughout this season:
1) Lamb by Christopher Moore
My super-smart, super-awesome and super book-wormy friend Tanya (she is a book publicist – go figure) sent me a huge list of her favorite books a few weeks ago. Rounding out her list was Lamb, which she said “may be my all-time favorite.” Coming from Tanya, that means everything. Therefore I immediately rampaged every library in town until I found it! I am a bit too overly excited to start reading it this week.
2) Food Rules by Michael Pollan
I, like most foodies, have a bit of a love affair with Michael Pollan. After reading The Omnivore’s Dilemma and watching Food, Inc. more times than normal, this book has been on my list for a very long time. Now that Matt and I are, ahem, vegetarians (post coming soon), I have a feeling this book will resonate with me even more.
3) Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn
Every time I ask anyone what book to read next, it seems like the first title out of their mouths is “Gone Girl.” I hear it is a quick read, and therefore I am totally not worried about being number #243 on my library hold list. Come on people, turn that page!
4) The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky
I have a bit of an issue with seeing book-based movies if I haven’t read the book first. And since I really really really want to see this movie, I really really really need to get my hands on this book!
5) The Unfinished Work of Elizabeth D. by Nichole Bernier
Whilst flipping through a People magazine on the elliptical last Tuesday at 5:45 a.m., (and trying really hard to not fall off the machine and turn the page at the same time) I spotted this book listed in the dedicated “see-we’re-not-just-a-nonsense-celebrity-publication” section (you know, the one right next to the “Stars! They’re People Too!” section) and decided to take note of it in my iPhone notepad. Which resulted in my seriously almost falling off of the elliptical. So now I am determined to read it, as my life almost turned into “The Unfinished Workout and subsequent broken limbs of Anne Marie I.” Good times, good times.
The Newlyweds by Neil Freudenberger
To be perfectly honest, I don’t remember where or when this book crossed my path. But I do remember why I was intrigued: one of the title characters hails from Rochester, NY, which is about an hour away from my beloved hometown of Buffalo as well as the hometown of many of my beloved friends. See folks, it is just that easy to capture – and keep – my attention. Once I read further, the story of a newlywed couple trying to figure out all the ins, outs, ups, downs and all-around crazy/wonderful reality of marriage was something I can relate to. :)
I try to keep track of my reading adventures on Goodreads (see the widget on my sidebar), which is a really great tool to find all sorts of books as well share your reads with friends. Sort of like an online college library (minus the mean librarian) or book club (without the snacks), if you will!
What books are on your bookshelf this season?
So my attempt at keeping your feet warm by buying you slippers was a bas idea? They are obnoxiously big!!?
I am currently reading eat and run. It has some good recipes… Smoked chipotle refried black beans!!! Ohhhhhh look out for a guest food blogger soon.