Two weekends ago we had a bunch of friends and family in town for the Rock n Roll Marathon/Half Marathon and it was such a blast. Here are some picture highlights (that I meant to post last week at this time!):
Getting ready to rock at 6:30 a.m.
(Can you tell they’re brothers?!? Haha they are basically twins in this picture!)
My running coach/partner in crime.
The start line! Running the National Mall never, ever gets old.
Finishers! We rocked that run. And the free sample section.
Matt’s marathon finish time: 3:28
My 1/2 marathon finishing time: 1:52 (Beat my Seattle time for 10 seconds. How’s that for training? Haha)
Little Miss Emma! After seeing her Dad finish his first marathon in an incredible 3:48 time, she realized she had big shoes to fill.
Emma prefers to roll underneath-the-table-style.
Homemade Irish car bombs with my homemade Bailey’s!
With only one shot glass…therefore we had to improvise.
Corri and I obviously handle shots so well. “They seemed like a good idea at the time.”
Irish (and Italian) eyes are smiling!
We had such an amazing time with all of these fabulous people – and the weekend was capped off with news that we landed our desired apartment in DC! More details on that to come. :)
You all finished your races like champions! I’m glad we were there to cheer you guys on. I can’t wait to see the inside of your new place. Congrats!
Am – I love your blog, so I nominated you for a Liebster Award: :)
Em!! I have no idea how I didn’t see this comment before! You just made my night – thank you for nominating me! Even though I realize by now the contest is wayyyy over haha but still it warmed my little heart. :)