This past weekend was full of what every long weekend should be full of: friends, family, burgers, beers, farmers markets, (plus new purses to carry everything you buy at farmers markets!), long walks, long runs*, long evening strolls plus a ton of pool time, DC walking time and, more importantly: time to reflect on why we honor this holiday in the first place.
*Yes, it was also full of running! We ran six miles on Saturday and…wait for it… 12 on Sunday! It was the longest run I’ve ever done in my short running career, and to be honest, it wasn’t that bad. But I also have a cute (but sometimes a weeee bit annoying) expert running coach. And by a weeeee bit annoying I mean he doesn’t let me complain. Which, on mile eight, nine and 10…is pretty damn annoying. Good thing I have an awesome headband (see below).
We also just bought the same sneakers, “His and Hers” style. Yea buddy, we are THAT couple! No comments on the same shoe sizes, please.
Here are some picture highlights:

Matt met me in the city on Friday afternoon and we walked around the National Mall on a b-e-a-uuuutiful (but HOT) day!

Especially when they’re going in this NEW PURSE MATT SURPRISED ME WITH! I had a stressful week and since we’ve been doing a really good job at saving money, he splurged. On me. Like a good husband should! I’ll say it again: happy wife=happy life.

On Saturday, the Hathaways came to visit! We chowed down on fresh peach avocado salsa, “toasted” lime tortillas (I May have burnt a batch) and Mama’s BBQ hamburgers. Recipes to come!

After dinner, we walked down King Street and had a few $1 PBRs. Keepin’ it classy! We then almost boarded a yacht, but we thought better of it.

My secret weapon. Also my defense whenever Matt tells me “You’re fine” or “Running farther isn’t going to hurt you.” I just point. And growl.

Best part about running 12 miles? Two HUGE bowls of Pumpkin Raisin Crunch cereal. With like 584 carbs. For a SNACK. Need to heal those muscles! Just looking at this makes me want to run 15 tomorrow.

Another great part about running: the NEED to rest for a long time. By the pool. With a bottle of water and two bottles of beer. Again, need those carbs!

Not only does he buy me purses, he also surprises me with “Memorial Day Breakfast” in bed. He wasn’t in the doghouse for any small argument from the night before, I swear…

Memorial Day trip to Arlington Cemetery. For as long as we live here, this will be our tradition, as there is no better reminder of the great sacrifice our soldiers gave – and continue to give – to protect all of us and keep our great country free. While walking through, we saw many heart-wrenching moments that I will never, ever forget.

Tomb of the Unknown Soldiers. We also saw the changing of the guard, which was very moving and very impressive – especially since it was 90 degrees an while we were sweating in tank tops and shorts, these soldiers, in full uniform, did not have one drop of sweat on their faces!

aaaaaand maybe another when we got home. Especially since I just re-discovered the ridiculous amazingness of black raspberry ice cream. I.seriously.cant.stop.
Hope everyone had a fantastic three days of these types of things and then some! Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go rest my legs, ice my sunburn, dive head first into another bowl of black raspberry and then snuggle with my new purse.
Just seeing these photos now! We had such a great night with both of you : ) I am definitely going to make the peach avocado salsa! I couldn’t get enough!